Mumble Jumble

I have so many thoughts in my head right now but they are stuck. Or maybe it’s more like a traffic jam…competing with each other to find the fastest detour…the fastest way to escape. Whoa, that got deep quick.

I sit here on this beautiful day-the sun is shining through my kitchen. I am consuming a nourishing bowl of food, listening to some chill music and for the first time in months I feel content.

Health 🥰
A clean floor and a sunbathing pup 🐶

You see for the past month or two I have not felt like my normal, energetic, happy, go-getting self. I’ve felt like staying in bed, eating like crap, drinking way too much coffee in the hopes of gaining a titch of energy, and overall like a freaking slug. I’ve been a dinosaur (as discovered in a beautiful bible study full of beautiful humans with so much to learn from). What I mean by that is I’ve been stomping around the house-literally roaring at everything and everyone-sucking all the joy out of everything and focusing on the negative. Maybe I was using this mindset as an excuse to be lazy? No matter how hard I tried I could not snap out of it.

I finally went to the doctors and got my blood checked. Super thankful for the gal I got in with-she listened to me. She heard I’m an avid trail runner and immediately decided we needed to run a tick panel with my blood. Weird I thought but ok. I mean I am in the woods or outside a lot and my dog did have Lymes show up in her blood sample last summer so cool, run the test!

Well I got the results back on Tuesday and lo and behold! A tick borne illness was present in my blood sample as well as low ferritin levels. I’m pretty sure when the nurse told me this I let out a hugeeeee exhale…because that’s how I’ve felt. Like I’ve been holding my breath for weeks, just staying close enough to the surface to get enough air to keep me alive but not truly living. This result showed me something was actually going on and with a little help I could fix myself. What a freaking relief. Maybe it’s all in my head or maybe the medicine is actually making me feel better (who wants to live with parasites inside them-EWE) but the last two days I have started feeling a bit more like myself.

I did a strength workout yesterday and didn’t want to quit halfway through. My runs are getting faster which is giving me confidence in that sport again. I want to spend time with my fam and I want to talk to people again. I’ve started a gratitude journal which is helping me see the beauty of this life and it’s making me smile.

I think this was a moment for me to slow down, take inventory of my life, and prepare my mind and body for some big things coming up. I feel some huge life changes on the horizon and I think this was my sign that if I can get through a period of self doubt, exhaustion, and whatever else this was-I can do anything. I have this tattooed on my shoulder “anyone can do anything” and I need to remind myself of these words often.

Here’s to finding yourself in a phase of darkness. Here’s to your loved ones checking in on you, lifting you up, and cheering you on.

In my 34th year of life I am realizing people truly can care about you. I’ve never been one to have a solid group of friends so I think it’s hard for me to think people actually like me (which is really sad). Past experiences have formed this thought in my mind that I’m never good enough but with the right people in my corner I’m learning this is a load of trash. We are meant to be around people and I’ve got some pretty incredible humans in my life.

So after all that babbling here are some things I’m grateful for this week:

-sledding with my fam and the laughter we had crashing into the thorn bushes

-this photo


-A random Thursday off

-clean toilets 😂

-Zevia Ginger Root Beer

-garbanzo beans-who would have thought this would be my new fave food.

-croz in a box

-homemade pizza night-craving more nights like this

-a positive visit to the vet for Ruthie girl 💕

-Benson Boone-his songs are my jams right now

-the rich roll podcast-some crazy yet incredibly inspiring stories on there

-meal prepping and including my kids. Croz helped me make muffins and it was such fun

-Epic snack boards for movie night!

-focusing on self care-good food, time in the sauna, electrolytes, chiropractic care, and massage. I treated myself to a massage last Saturday after a really hard week and it was EVERYTHING. My shoulders are effed. She didn’t even make it to my legs because there was so much crunching going on in my upper body. I’ve broken myself but am in a stage of repair and am ready to come back stronger 💙

Wishing you a lovely weekend full of all things that matter to you.

Thanks for stopping by and putting up with my jumbled thoughts.



Peaks and Valleys

I hit a new low today. I got my groceries delivered to my doorstep. If that tells you anything about life lately…whoops.

I’ve heard a lot of people refer to life as a series of peaks and valleys lately and that could not be more true. Last week our family got hit with the flu…the puking flu. Harry was home from school all week and was just out of it-quite a bear he was. It’s just such a bummer when your kiddos are sick. Harry is normally the one that can’t sit still, has so much energy, and is my easy going care-free kid. Last week he didn’t get off the couch and was a CRAB. Sam caught it Sunday morning which selfish-ly threw all my plans to the wayside.

I myself wasn’t much better. I had zero patience with everyone around me. I snapped at my fam. I missed almost all my runs. What a strain that is on your mental state. I’ve also been exhausted lately. Like extra fatigued. I get plenty of sleep (most nights), drink my electrolytes, and eat my oats. And I just feel constantly like I need a nap, am anxious, and just have no energy. So I finally did something for myself today. I took a mental health day at work and went to the Dr.

It’s funny because I actually haven’t had an annual check-up since having kids. I laughed with the Dr because pre-kids I was a very scheduled person when it came to my health. I visited the dentist twice a year, got my yearly check-ups, and checked all the boxes. Post kids, I make sure they get to all their appointments but have kind of shoved my health to the back burner. Well that’s changing as of today. I’m so glad I went-they took blood and are running some tests-all signs point to low iron so here’s to eating more spinach and beans! Wooooo!

After the doctor I went for my run which gave me a whole hour with just me, myself, and I. As I was running up a big hill, I looked around. I was at the peak. The sun was shining, I could see for miles around me, and I felt on top of the world. I noticed down in the valleys it was darker and sheltered. All I could see was what was right in front of me. And this couldn’t be more true about life. In those high peaks, we are happy, the world is our oyster, nothing can stop us, and we can see for miles ahead of us. When we hit those valleys, it feels dark, hard to keep going. And that’s where I am right now-I’m in a valley and a lot of days it’s tough to wake up. It’s tough to find joy in things that usually bring me joy. But my run was a giant reminder that all valleys lead to peaks and all peaks lead to valleys. So here I am, working my best to ride this low. I’m working on my gratitude list which helps me see the bigger picuture and all the beautiful things in life. I’m trying to get fresh air every day. And I’m leaning on those around me to help in the tough times.

It hasn’t all been dark and gloom over here though LOL. A week ago Harry and I got to go to Duluth. Just the two of us. There’s something sooooo special about quality time with your first born. We packed in the activities (Zoo, Kung Foo Panda 4, Playground) and my fave part was hanging with him in the hot tub on the lake.

Crosby has been a riot lately-she makes me laugh so hard. I am slowly seeing how alike the two of us are and that is terrifying!

We also discovered a fun new craft from Pinterest: Masking tape bridges! Such a cheap craft and a great way to keep the kids occupied. Harry has been playing with this since Sunday.

I also had the kids do facemasks with me Sunday for some self-care. They hated them LOL but I thought it was pretty fun.

So that’s it for my mumbled jumbled post today-goes along with with my current mental state 🙂

Happy Spring yall.




Anyone else feel like they are always cleaning? Cleaning the floor, cleaning the bathroom, doing laundry, cleaning the dishes, wiping down the sink…it’s never-freaking-ending!

I’m also one of those people that will start cleaning the pantry then find something that needs to be put away in the laundry room…as I’m entering the laundry room I find the dryer has finished so I start folding that…then I go to put the kids clothes away I see how many books are on the floor and start picking those up. It’s cuckoo. If I could just pick one space, clean it thoroughly, then move on…right!? I call this #mombrain

So my friend Erica told me she pays her kids $1 to help with chores around the house and a lightbulb went on in my brain…the kids want new toys? Make them earn those toys. I told the kids they could start helping me clean to earn money and guess what? When we got home from running errands today they both started mopping 😂 Erica, you’re a genius.

What’s new around here? Not much-the weather has been beautiful. So much outside time. Lots of runs. A new lifting cycle (thank goodness), de-cluttering, and chicken strips. So many chicken strips.

We had snow last week but now that it’s melted we are all covered in mud every time we step outside. I’m slowly getting over the fact my house has turned into a mud pit this winter.

Cuties playing outside-last weekend we had friends over to play and my mom dream came true. I looked out the window and saw the kiddos living it up outside and I literally thought “this is it. This is all anyone wants in life…joy for our children.”

Other things making me smile this week:

-long runs in sunshine

A trip to the zoo

-Watching the kids dance their hearts out at dance class. Harry’s tap shoes are like 2 sizes too big right now but he gives it all he’s got. Croz did some sweet backwards jumps and told me she wants to dance forever.

-Finding Crozberry’s babies at “daycare” when I got home from work

-this song. I scream it at the top of my lungs any time I hear it. It’s a good one.

-Turkey Pesto sub at Subhouse. It’s everything to me.

-Zevia ginger ale

-Epsom salt baths

-daily checklists

-things to look forward to in the future

That’s all for now-off to carb up for a big run tomorrow (13.1!?). Have an excellent Saturday night.




Harry was writing on his Valentines last night and finally got his “y”. The joy and amazement on his face was everything. Watching kids get the hang of something new gives me life. Think about a time when you amazed yourself with something new. It’s been a while huh? Me too. Let’s learn from our kids and try new things.

Valentines for me is kind of a meh holiday. I’m not really a chocolate person. My love language is quality time. I’d take eating a heart shaped pizza and hanging with my fam over anything so it’s not really much different than every other night LOL. I do enjoy putting together little gift bags for the kids though.

I also got Sam some oatmeal cream pies because he is a child and those are his absolute fave.

Things bringing me joy this week:

A trip to the MOA with the fam. It was kind of a bust when it came to the aquarium and Crayola thing but we still had fun. Next time: rides.

Harry looks so thrilled 😆
Why is she so intense 😂

Pizza night at our fave spot:

Homemade air fryer donuts-tip: don’t use the extra buttery biscuits.

Croz let me braid her hair!!!

Sunshine filled walks with my gal Ruth:

In all honesty this week hasn’t been great. I’ve been stressed, moody, anxious, pmsing, tired…blah blah blah. I cried a couple times. I got ten hours of sleep one nights. I’ve got zero motivation and I don’t really want to be around people. This is one of those weeks that seems like everything is going the opposite of how it’s supposed to. I’m letting myself feel down for the rest of today then getting out of this rut tomorrow. 🤞🏼 I can’t really explain it I think I might just be a little burnt out and tired of giving everyone around me all my energy. Isn’t it true? At work it’s all about everyone else’s needs. What the customers need, what the employees need. Then I pick the kids up and it’s all about them and their needs (not complaining just explaining). By 5pm my energy is gone and I have nothing left for Sam. I don’t want to pick something for dinner. I don’t want to make any more decisions.

Anyone else feel like this? How does one get out of this mindset? Right now it’s the only way I can think and that’s not fun.

So here’s to taking a hot bath, drinking some water, and preparing for a relaxing night of ravioli, cookies, and wine.

Until next time,



January in photos

Today it was 53 degrees out and it was glorious. Sunshine is truly the best way to erase the winter blues and the vitamin D was flowing freely today.

January flew by in the blink of an eye (wink of an eye? Since I’m only close an eye?). It was full of sickness, lots of family time, family Xmas, good food, laughs, runs, and many walks.

When you’re the best of friends ❤️
Beds got flipped!
Fresh air galore!
D8 night for Sam’s bday!
Driving through puddles and countless baths

I’m trying to not care so much about the mess lately but it’s hard. The kids play in the mud, dirt, water, and sand then track it all into the house/bathtub. I’m slowly learning I own a broom and can sweep up each particle but it still makes my skin crawl a little when I see a lump of sand in the kitchen. It also makes me smile because I know my kids have been in that exact spot.

Crosby’s obsession with Spider-Man.
Baking Valentine’s treats ❤️
Moon glow with Hare Bear 🐻
Exploring our city on a 50 degree day. Croz in Jammie’s of course.
Stumbling into our local bookstore-my new favorite shop in Hudson 📚

I feel like I’m in a season of metamorphosis. I’m shedding a layer of control, a layer of worry, a layer of care-fullness, and welcoming carefree, exploration, and bravery. I feel like I’m always following the kids around, trying to keep them from arguing, making messes, jumping off the couch…when really, shouldn’t I be letting them live? Shouldn’t I be allowing them to learn how to problem solve with each other, talk about their emotions, make messes and help clean up, take risks, be brave? All these things I wish I could be come so easily to my children. Shouldn’t I be learning from them? I’m trying so hard to let go of the control-blossom into a new stage of life-but it’s so easy to resort back to the comfort of the known.

So here’s to exploring the unknown and being brave like my babies.

Cheers ❤️


Sickness perspective

We’ve all been sick since mid last week (except Sam of course 😂)…croz told me it’s because she kissed me and gave me her germs…thanks gal pal.

We’ve gone through 4 boxes of Kleenex, a thing of Vicks rub, a tub of aquaphor for our little noses, and so many cough suckers. It’s been kind of miserable but also a moment for us all to slow down and stay home together.

You see, I’m usually on the go at 100mph so when sickness strikes I truly believe it’s a sign to slow the heck down. It was freezing cold here and snowy all weekend so what better way to recover than watch movies, drink tea, and build a zillion magna tile structures. Thankful my kiddos like hanging out with me. Also shoutout to vapor bubble bath for helping their sinuses 😂

The best pals ever ❤️

I took time today to make homemade chicken soup from Half Baked Harvest and it was probably the best soup I’ve ever made. Easy, flavorful, and soul-warming stuff. Make It now.

Heal us

The kids used their imaginations and pretended they were camping in the basement during soup cooking time so I packed them a little picnic. Their faces lit up with joy when I delivered the goods…it’s the simple things really.

We got to cheer on the Packers tonight which was exciting and the kids got a kick out of Dee Dee’s little Packer hats.

Hare 🐻
Croz 😂

I know being sick sucks but I crave this family time (even if for two days I didn’t really leave the couch). I think this is showing me what is important in life, what I need. Simplicity, Zevia Ginger Root Beer, homemade soup, and quality time with the people I love.

Hope you’re staying healthy! (I promise I am a pretty healthy person but I manage to catch a lot of germs 🦠 somehow).

Cheers to a fresh week and fresh goals.




So I thought my 2024 word was present but now I’m kind of re-thinking that…I really like the idea of “exhale.”

For some reason I’ve been real on edge lately-I get irritated at the smallest things and have been snappy at Sam and my kids. I think exhale is the perfect reminder that when things are going perfect or as planned to just breath. Exhaling has helped me stay a little bit calmer (lol except for today at work when it was chaos x 1000) and reminds me to relax. I like it.

2024 has been filled with family, friends, food, and fitness thus far…pretty much my fave things so that’s neat! I’ve even managed to not go to target once this week! Weeeee.

Here’s some snapshots from the last 10 days.

Crozbean and her darn faces crack me up and harry and his rosy cheeks
Who is that handsome kid 😭
Igloo with Lynn and Gary
Updated the gallery wall ❤️
My obsession with olives has become pretty large

As I post these pictures I’m reminded how much there is to be grateful for. How all of these things bring me joy, make me smile.

I hope you can find joy in the simple things this week.

Cheers 🍻



Peace out 2023

The week between Christmas and New Years is weird. I get really sad because I just love the time from Oct 1 to Christmas Day. There’s just a magic in the air and once it all ends, my emotions are all over the place. New Years excites me and all I just really loveeeeee Christmas.

So here I am sitting in bed at 7pm on a Saturday…drinking wine, eating a boxed brownie, and watching some cheesy Hallmark Xmas movie to keep my spirits high.

Want to hear a funny story? I think Sam and I were just not meant to celebrate our anniversary this year (maybe this is so our next one – #10 – feels all the more epic?). On our actual anniversary we were home with a sick kid. Fast forward to this week when we booked an adorable Air B&B up in Lutsen. 24 hours before our check-in I got an email saying my cancellation went through and I’d be getting a refund…cue the panic. I did not cancel. Was the trip over?

I quickly found a new place to stay and to our surprise it saved us $400-jackpot! That would be enough to cover our couples massage!

We headed out Tuesday afternoon and had a nice, rainy drive north. We met my sister in Duluth for a beer and pretzel then trekked onward. Let me tell you, when there’s no snow in Lusten, everyone crowds the handful of restaurants in the area. Every place we went was packed and the servers all seemed a little overwhelmed. That was okay to us though because we were in no rush whatsoever.

Wednesday morning we woke up, had a breakfast snack, then headed out for a fun hike in the rain. The views would have been delightful but since the fog was soooo dense, we couldn’t see a thing. Comical if you ask me.

After the hike we headed to Grand Marias for a visit to our fave brewery and to do a little shopping. I bought a super cute (HAHA) swimsuit since I forgot mine and wanted to go hot-tubbing, and we snagged some Yahtzee Dice.

Then we headed to Voyageur. That’s when things took a turn. As I was drinking my Stout, all of a sudden my stomach started feeling goofy. I downed some tomato soup, finished my beer, then chugged some water to see if that would help.

The drive back to the Air B&B was v uncomfortable. I wasn’t sure if I just had to burp or if I was going to vomit. The roads up their are pretty curvy so that didn’t help one bit. Well let’s just say, if you feel ill, tomato soup is not a great choice as it burns on the way back up. Yes, I caught the stomach bug and spent the rest of the day under the covers, snoozing, puking, and watching movies. I guess this was my sign that I needed a solid day of rest.

After about 15 hours of sleep, I awoke Thursday morning (to a missed massage) to terrible abdominal pain but other than that was feeling so much better. We ventured out for breakfast and a solid bowl of wild rice oatmeal and a warm cup o coffee got me back on track. That was about all I could stomach besides a sleeve of club crackers.

Good food and warm sunshine did us good. Sam was still feeling fine so that was lucky. We hiked around the rest of the day, hit up an awesome winery, had a tasty salad for dinner, then hot-tubbed and yahtzee’d the rest of the night.

I feel sad that this trip was interrupted but also thankful I was able to be sick in peace and quiet. Sam was a great caretaker and even brought me ginger-ale…what a guy. And while I want a do-over on this trip, I’ll also cherish the memories we made, and how comical our road trips turn out to be. PS on the drive home we stopped at Palisade Head for an incredible view but a very icy hike. We grabbed breakfast at Betty’s Pies and I could tell Sam didn’t feel awesome. Low and Behold…when we got home he made it known that he might also have the stomach bug. LOL. Cheers to us 🥂

Now that 2024 is a day away I’m shifting gears and setting intentions for the New Year. My dear friend Erica asked me what my word for the year is going to be and after much thought, I’m choosing PRESENT. I will be present in all things I do. I will cherish the moments that are right in front of me. I will stop wishing time away and live in the now.

Here’s to a healthy start to the new year. Thanks for following along on this life journey-can’t wait to see what 2024 brings.




It’s been a lot of family time lately and that lights me up. Yea, I need my “me” time but being with my fam is what truly makes me happy.

Harry was home 3 days last week so we got to spend a ton of QT together-that’s really special time with my first born. We played hours of legos, baked cookies, built epic hot wheels tracks, and went on a zillion walks-the greatest.

We had another fun fam weekend and visited the Christmas Trains at the MN Train Museum-what a festive and fun evening that was.

An impromptu dinner date at San Pedro and a very strong margarita and I’d chalk it up to a really fun Saturday. PS Croz is a mood and she seriously cracks me up so much. Idk where she got her personality from but she’s really neat.

Sunday we planted our wildflowers from our neighbor-here’s to hoping the pop up come spring!

A jingle run to look at Christmas Lights Sunday night and a naughty Santa cocktail with the best conversation with Erica and my whole heart was full to the brim after the weekend.

Now it’s time to shift gears and set some intention for 2024-it’s one of my favorite things to do. There’s something about setting goals for a fresh year that leaves me feeling motivated and ready to go. I’m also working on my word for 2024 (thanks to Erica for sharing this idea) and have many thoughts going on about this.

In the meantime I leave you with the sweetest picture of Harry and his bff Ruth.

Merry Christmas week!




We had plans to go to dinner buttttt squash that cuz a sick (???is he though) kiddo. It’s our 9 year anniversary today and that feels big. We had plans to get dinner after work tonight but when I got a call at 8:45 am saying hare bear just puked multiple times, all plans went out the window. Yeah I’m sad but spending the day with my first born was pretty fun too.

So here’s to the first 9 years and a lifetime more ❤️

