Week 22

Do you ever find yourself browsing Pinterest then next thing you know it’s been an hour and you’re like “wtf did I just spend an hour of my day doing?” Yeah, that just happened. Also, do people even use Pinterest anymore? I know I do. It’s got everything you could ever imagine. I found tons of recipes to try this week, baby room ideas, homemade dog treat ideas…you get it.

Welp, here we are again…Friday. I swear my belly grew overnight. I now def have a defined bump and outtie belly button. Sssssssscute. 4 months from tomorrow Sam and I could possibly have a little baby in our arms…that’s INSANE! Time flies when you’re having fun pregnant. Also, I hate taking belly pics with a passion.

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This last week brought some of Baby Wakey’s firsts. He got to go swimming for the first time at my parent’s pool and play his first round of golf…really hoping he likes that sport. Sam will be thrilled if we have a little golfer. Also, the pool was glorious considering it was 95 degrees out. So refreshing. I know where I’m going to be all summer…right on that popsicle float.

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Golfing with Grandma and Grandpa

I also felt the little bugger kick for the first time. I’m pretty positive it was a kick. Even if it wasn’t I’m still going to say it was. And I’ve felt it a few more times since…so it had to have been a kick. Regardless, it was cool and fascinating and exciting all at once.

Last week also brought about some new cravings…I felt like eating a hot dog daily (didn’t get one yet but that’s on my list for the meal prep). I’m talking ball park, all beef, all the toppings (even onions), hot dog. I’ve also been craving really good french fries, cheese curds, MILK (wtf), ice cream and popsicles, and potato salad. I’ve obviously had like none of these items (except milk and popsicles) at home so those are all I’ve caved to thus far. Oh and a cute sprinkle donut my dad bought me last weekend. BUT, like I said, I’m grocery shopping tomorrow…this could be interesting 🙂

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I’ve also been experiencing some leg cramping. I know it’s due to being pregnant but I’m also blaming the hot humid weather we’ve been having. I get these cramps in my hips/IT bands and my right calf. I woke up Wednesday night with the worst cramp I’ve ever had in my calf. YUCK. I think I’m drinking enough water but I’ve started adding bananas into my diet even though I H8 bananas. Sam says I need Gatorade but I don’t like that stuff unless I’m running a marathon. It gives me gut rot.

I haven’t had any odd dreams or bodily functions (I’ve been constipated this week though and that just made me uncomfortable and crabby…sorry mom and dad for being a little baby at dinner Thursday night). Also, I can’t get enough AC. My mom told me about how they didn’t have AC when she was pregnant with my older sister and it was like 100 degrees daily. She’s superwoman I tell ya. I would have thrown fits every day.

I’ve also been super unmotivated when it comes to working out. I did an at home workout Tuesday night, then went to the gym Wednesday and Thursday mornings but that’s been it for weights this week. I did go for a nice run this morning with my super fancy LED arm band. That was fun. Other than that I just really want to swim and hike. Oh, and golf. Golfing is so fun.

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I’m probably gonna go get a McFlurry now. Have a super fun rest of your weekend. Stay cool and drink a margarita or 5 for me.

